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50% off for Teachers
Teachers get a 50% discount
Spreadsheet.com supports the education of our next generation by providing a 50% discount to professors, teachers, and instructors with a .edu email address at an accredited school.
It's simple. Just sign up with your .edu email address.
As a teacher, instructor, or professor at an accredited K-12 school, college, or university, you are eligible for a 50% discount to Spreadsheet.com.
By signing up with and verifying your .edu email address, you will automatically be enrolled in the Spreadsheet.com "Education" plan, which entitles you to a 50% discount on all Spreadsheet.com plans. There is no application process necessary.
Professors, teachers, and instructors with a .edu email address at accredited K-12 schools, universities, colleges, or other types of educational institutions.