Kanban Boards

Manage your workflow with an interactive Kanban board

Visually manage workflows with draggable, customizable cards organized into stacks.

Get started — it's free
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Drag and drop cards between stacks

Quickly move cards between stacks to update your team on changes in status, ownership, and more.

Customize cards to show important data

Easily change what is shown in cards, from attachment images to column labels, so everyone stays focused on what's important.

Expand cards for easier reading and editing

Double click cards to expand them into a full screen view.

Filter and sort stacks

Define filters and sorts to show the right information to the right people in the right way.

Create Automations that run when cards are moved

Use a visual no-code workflow editor to create custom automations or integrations that run when changes are made.

Learn more >

Manage your workflows with Kanban boards
Get started — it's free